Spring into Family Yoga

Pearls For Life; Family Yoga
Pearls For Life; Family Yoga

I know that seasons can be used as a metaphor for stages in life – it’s just kind of hard to do that effectively in Southern California.

As a kid, I lived in Chicago and my mom used to say that we had 4 seasons: June, July, August and winter. Well, California is just one season with tiny variations. Not complaining, but I guess we measure our seasons in ways other than the weather.

Spring: We do garden here and people who don’t have black thumbs (unlike myself) are knee deep in the dirt on the weekends planting tomatoes, squash, herbs, pumpkins, etc. Why?  Spring is when new life begins to grow. The trees start to bud, flowers bloom and baby birds are born.

In California, spring means we get out our bathing suits and boogie board and hit the beach. We eat outside without sweatshirts, make plans for summer vacation and watch baseball in tank tops and shorts. We become a bit more alive.

Parents and caregivers, come outside and start afresh. Get a new routine with your kids. Get them out. Try new things. As we wind down our family yoga year before our summer break, come out and join us.

Tomorrow we have baby yoga @ 930 and toddler yoga @ 1030 at Experiencing Life Studio. this Friday at the Cardiff Library, join us for toddler yoga at 1030.

Try out our Chair Yoga class every Saturday from 1215 to 105 at the Encinitas YMCA.

Try something new and join us