New Beginnings

Pearls For Life; Family Yoga
Pearls For Life; Family Yoga

New Beginnings

Everyone loves a new beginning. We love New Year’s as we give self-imposed opportunities or “resolutions” to better ourselves. We love the beginning of the school year: new clothes, blank notebooks and pencils that still have erasers. We love new cars and when the “new car smell” has disappeared, we buy car fresheners with that same scent. We love the idea of starting over.

I think that’s why we love children so much. They are fresh, new, unjaded by the oftentimes harsh reality of the world. They look on everything with bright eyes and wonder, in awe of the newness of it all.

Viewing Life With Wonder

The beauty of a child’s outlook is that they take the time to examine something. The wonder lasts long at first and wanes as they get older – been there done that. AHHH…to see things as a child. To pause. To stand in wonder. To examine something until there is absolutely nothing left.

Family yoga gives parents and children the chance to new beginnings every session. A new beginning in their connection, to reexamine where they stand with one another.  A new beginning in their devotion to one another.

Bridging The Gap

You know when you feel distant from someone you love? Maybe there has been tension or unresolved issues or perhaps you’ve just been too busy to spend time together and the emotional gap begins to widen. You need that moment to connect. To take a deep breath and start again.

Tensions can ride high between children and caregivers. Being a parent or guardian is exhausting. Family yoga gives you those needed moments to stop, look each other in the eyes and bridge the gap, heal the wounds, bring forgiveness and emotional healing] . A New Beginning. May we look upon each opportunity with our families to stand in wonder at the bond that exists and to enjoy it.

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